TAICOCLUB’17 in 信州やぶはら高原 こだまの森へご来場いただいた皆様、今年も改めまして本当にありがとうございました。
TAICOCLUB 安澤・森田・岡田・大谷
Thanks you very much to all that attended TAICOCLUB’17 in Shinshu Yabuhara Kogen Kodama no Mori again this year.
While the temperature difference between night and day was extreme, it was very pleasant weather throughout the day. And in the evening we could see a sky full of stars, so we think it might have been the best environment. This year as well, Kodama no Mori became a place created by everyone where we could enjoy music from the bottom of our hearts across genres.
This year there were more small children, and it seems that people found various ways to enjoy themselves, whether as families, or groups, or participating on their own. Different from when it was first held in 2006, the staff continued to improve and make it better while enjoying TAICOCLUB from a new perspective, and we could share with everyone a nice and peaceful time for the 12th time.
While 2018 next year will be the last and final one, we would like to report that, again this year, the festival safely finished without any major accidents.
The festival is scheduled to also be held at “Kodama no Mori” next year. We will make an official announcement at a later date, but lets dance at Kodama no Mori again next year.
Thank you very much again,
TAICOCLUB Taro, Ken, Akira, Hyota
Please contact below for lost items at the venue:
Please be aware that lost items can only be stored until Monday, July 31st.