2011年より、活動の拠点を海外にひろげ、ヨーロッパにおける数々の最重要ダンスはもちろん、世界最大のベース・ミュージック・フェス【OUTLOOK FESTIVAL】等ビッグ・フェスティバルでの活躍がきっかけとなり、ヨーロッパ・シーンで最も注目をあびる存在のひとつとなっている。【JAHTARI】、【MAFFI】、【DREAD SQUAD】等ヨーロッパ・レーベルからのリリース、自身のレーベル”FUTURE RAGGA”の楽曲は、ヨーロッパ各地で話題沸騰、数々のビッグ・サウンドやラジオでヘビープレイされている。2013年、日本初のGRIME プロデューサー オンライン サウンドクラッシュ【War Dub Japan Cup 2013】に参加。見事優勝を勝ち取り、国内においてもその存在感を示した。
毎月第1,3月曜20:00~21:00のPART2STYLE RADIO(BLOCK.FM)も必聴!!

PART2STYLE is the Japanese Reggae based sound crew that is leading the scene in Japan. Their style is Dancehall Reggae’s sound system style but also features a wide range of Bass Music. Genre’s like Jungle, Grime, Dub Step and Trap to name a few. They have many specialized dub plate tunes and have been producing exclusive original tunes. As of 2011, PART2STYLE has turned their focus overseas and have joined the world’s best and biggest festivals and parties. They started their own label called “FUTURE RAGGA” and recorded with popular artists in the world such as Daddy Freddy,Tippa Irie,Solo Banton,Charlie p,Mr.Williamz and many more. Tunes from this label have been played by big sound systems in Europe and even in radio stations all over. In 2013, they took 1st place in the Grime Online Sound Clash called “WAR DUB JAPAN CUP” in Japan and proved their strong presence in Japan.